Transform Your Cancer Journey from Trauma to Triumph

Rapid Emotional and Mental Healing

for Cancer Patients and Survivors

Introducing 'Freedom to Thrive' a 24 week Programme to

empower cancer patients and survivors to get rid of fear, stress, overwhelm, and anxiety without having to go through hours and hours and hours of traditional talking therapy.

Thrive Today, not tomorrow!

'You've got Cancer'...

These three little words changed your world overnight. You’ve gone from living your life to suddenly fighting for your life.

A cancer diagnosis is a shock that rocks you to your core, leaving you feeling paralysed with fear, anxiety, stress and worry about what the future holds. You desperately hope that someone is going to tell it’s some kind of sick joke but the punchline never comes.
You're on an emotional rollercoaster and it feels like there’s no way to get off.

Whether you’re a cancer patient or a cancer survivor, the mental, emotional and spiritual trauma is very real and yet no one really talks about it.

Don't let cancer continue to control your life and happiness - take back control of your life now!

I know what it feels like to be in your shoes

I've battled colon cancer not once but twice

Hi I'm Natalie, an entrepreneur, busy mum to a rambunctious toddler and a newborn and I'm a Stage IV Cancer Survivor celebrating four years NED (no evidence of disease).

I was diagnosed with colon cancer in December 2017 completely out of the blue at just 31 years old, four months before my wedding.

What followed next was a whirlwind of decisions, doctors appointments, surgery, hospital stays, rounds of chemotherapy, dealing with the side effects of treatment, coping with having a stoma and of course the emotional, mental and spiritual trauma that comes part and parcel with a cancer diagnosis.

Unfortunately a year later the cancer metastasised to my liver. In March 2019 I was suddenly facing a Stage IV diagnosis. It was truly devastating. My worst fear had come true. It became clear to me that while I couldn't control what was happening to me I COULD control how I chose to react to it.

And so I dived into the world of holistic health, mindset, manifesting, personal development and more to help me shift my mindset, process my emotions and move forward with my life with passion and purpose. I became a certified Master Transformational Life Coach, EFT Practitioner, Master NLP Practitioner & Master Clinical Hypnotherapist.

My own cancer journey and experiences as well as my training means that I am uniquely able to understand exactly what you’re going through to help you on your journey navigating life after diagnosis with a positive mindset. You are not alone. You are stronger than you think and you can do this!

I can help you put the puzzles pieces of your life back together...

with a roadmap to recovery that I used in my own cancer journey

Whether you're starting your cancer journey, in the middle of treatment, or navigating life post-treatment, the mental, emotional, and spiritual trauma can be immense. It can be hard to know which way to turn and what steps to take next.

But it doesn't have to be this way

Just imagine what your life could be like if you could...

  • Master your emotions and gain practical tools and coping strategies so you're no longer ruled by fear, stress, overwhelm, and anxiety

  • Rapidly experience reduced emotional distress without having to spend hours and hours and hours in traditional talking therapy so you can immediately feel calmer, happier and in control

  • Bypass toxic positivity and actually be positive

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns which hold you back

  • And so much more...

'Freedom to Thrive' Program

Large Call to Action Headline

The 6 Pillars of

Transformational Healing

Each month you will dive into a new module to

navigate your cancer diagnosis and treatments with clarity and ease

What's included in Freedom to Thrive:

Journal - coaching session

10 x 1:1 Sessions with Natalie

Bespoke Hypnotherapy & Coaching sessions

1 - 1.5 hours

Over the course of the 24 week program you will have the freedom to choose when you want to book in your sessions with an easy to use calendar.

This allows you to have support from me as and when you need it, not on some arbitrary schedule .

Support from a team of experts

Recorded video sessions

Guest experts in different areas such as nutrition: discover the Rainbow diet, mindful movement with gentle pilates exercises and discovering spirituality and more!

Find a sense of inner peace

Develop tools, resources and practical strategies to overcome stress, anxiety and fear.

Face your fears head on and develop emotional resilience.
Rapidly experience reduced emotional distress and improved mental well-being· Learn mindfulness and relaxation techniques to facilitate emotional healing· Bypass toxic positivity and actually BE positive and overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns

Bonus access to online membership portal

Self-Study and supportive material and resources

This exciting addition is in the Beta testing phase so it will grow and evolve with you. It’s jam-packed with meditation and hypnotherapy audios, phone affirmation wallpapers, gratitude journal, the Ultimate Cancer Recovery Workbook, sleep and emotion tracker and more!

Client Love



Some more love...

“Natalie is an incredibly compassionate and empathetic coach, who wholeheartedly dedicates herself to assisting individuals who have gone through cancer or are in recovery. Her unwavering desire to promote mental wellness is truly inspiring. Natalie's approach is not only comforting and soothing but also highly professional, maintaining impeccable standards throughout. Her voice possesses a mesmerizing quality that effortlessly transports you on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. When it comes to finding a coach to navigate life's challenges, Natalie is the person you've been searching for. She warmly welcomes everyone and creates a safe space for all. Look no further, Natalie is your go-to coach”.

Hayley Austin FACCPH

CAM Coaching Transformational Specialist, Trainer and Educator

Author of Freedom from Anxiety

I am a 37 year old woman that was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer 7 weeks after my rainbow baby was born. After the initial shock had worn off I knew I had to fight and survive this awful disease not just for me but for my baby. To do that I needed my head in the right space but was at a loss of how to accomplish that. I reached out to Natalie for help after hearing about her story and services. I had so many people working on my body but I needed an ally for my mind and spirit. I found just that. In the short time we have spent working together I have gained insight into my emotion and tools for getting through my anxiety, uncertainty and treatments. I am so thankful for the opportunity to work with such a kind, positive, empathetic survivor like Natalie Riede.


Stage IV Cancer Survivor

Still scrolling?

What are you waiting for?

Your journey to healing, empowerment, and a triumphant life after cancer begins now. By joining the 'Freedom To Thrive' program, you'll gain access to a wealth of resources and benefits designed to transform your experience.

Picture this: Emotional resilience to face any challenge, empowerment to make informed decisions, a positive mindset that carries you through treatment, and practical coping strategies for every step of your healing journey.

You'll connect with a supportive community of fellow warriors who understand your path, all while rediscovering your passions and dreams. Self-compassion and self-care will become your allies, boosting your confidence and inner strength. Plus, you'll acquire lifelong skills to handle any challenge life throws your way.

Don't miss this opportunity to rewrite your cancer story.

Join us on the path to healing, empowerment, and triumph and book your discovery call today


Copyright Natalie Riede Coaching 2023

All rights reserved